Monday, October 15, 2012


          Once upon a time there was a small boy who didn't have any limbs except for his head,  many would call this a disability, but he learned to get around it by bouncing everywhere he went.  He was so efficient at bouncing, in fact, that he won the Olympic long distant gold mettle 143 times.  One day Bobble Wobble (his name by the way) decided that he wanted to be more than just a bouncing bean, so he ran for president,  he won unanimously for the first time in american history.  He started a war with Canada, Mexico, and all the central american countries and eventually claimed north america for the U.S.  But this wasn't good enough, so he nuked France and started World War IV (they skipped WWIII).  After gaining the help and support of the army from Narnia, Mr. Wobble took over the world and formed a theocracy centered around the church of Jim Carrey.
The End.


       The next couple paragraphs will be freewriting I will write whatever comes to mind.  I hope this counts as a blog-entry.
       My computer screen is bright, needs to be charged, there are two prongs everywhere, my bed needs to be made, where is my pocketknife, i bought in spain, Fahmy didn't ever get his out of security, im hungry, my legs are soar, that Chinese lady looks like a pig, whatever she's eating looks disgusting, why did i bring her? does she contribute? do i contribute? why do i take english class, i can already speak english, do spanish people take spanish class? do deph people take a sign language class? how do they think? do they see little hands moving around in their head? do they have their own language, this is one large run-on, whens dinner? im hungry, i wish my TV was working, i need to get that chord, im so lazy, I should go to sleep soon, joey is already asleep, he didn't come to lacrosse today, why? I don't know, who was i asking? me? or Mr. Bebensee, he won't answer probably, he probably won't even read all the way through, wow this must sound stupid, easy way to get a lot of writing, I have a lot of type-os, need to go back and fix, okay i'm done.

bibble babbel

           Due to me almost completely neglecting my blog, I have decided that I would rather do the discussion questions from now on.  I believe that since they are scheduled, I will be more inclined to do them on time rather than put them off.  I am now forced to attempt to save my grade by posting a couple more blog entries before my evil teacher Mr. Bebensee checks my blog, fails me, and I am forced to drop out of high school and be homeless for the rest of my life.
           I am not entirely sure how many blogs that I am required to have to not fail, so I will aim for posting a couple more before the end of the night, but I most likely will be overpowered by my laziness and just watch some youtube instead.
           I just need just a little more written down so as to make it look like I didn't just do this blog half-hazardly just to not drop down to a C in my english class, so I will use this last sentence to conclude this blog entry and I shal be on my way.